About Ultimate Transit

Ultimate Transit


was registered with Yemeni Ministry of Industry and Trade and incorporated in July 2018. Ultimate Transit is a construction, trading, marketing, Studies and Designs services and all logistics services company that delivers high quality, reliable services for governmental establishments, local Companies and all organizations. Also proceeding according to an organized plan through which we seek to expand our activities to cover all parts of Yemen.
In addition, we have broad expertise with commercial clients. We are fully licensed specialist in all the services that we provide. Our principals have over 15 years of collective experience offering the highest standards for safety, quality, and integrity. And we have highly qualified and experienced staff who are specialized, each according to the relevant executive unit. Dedicated to Excellence, we utilize innovative building contraction, electrical, mechanical and rehabilitation works, maintenance and renovation skills to change and improve the way Projects are designed, managed and build. Providing the highest standards of safety and quality in all logistics services fields. Trade and marketing are one of our pioneering works, which mainly aims to build good relationships with customers by discovering and satisfying customers’ desires and developing products and services that popularize their needs.

About Ultimate Transit

Health and Safety


Facilitating an environment where the health and safety of people and the protection of the environment are valued as our moral compass. Maintaining an organizational culture that respects everyone’s individual contribution to achieving our goal and for continuous improvement.
Developing people’s competence and exploiting our real wealth to achieve success. Maintain compliance with and respect all applicable local and international laws. And wherever possible. Prevent pollution as reasonably practicable and we have a footprint on the environment through efforts to reduce waste and reduce emissions in the areas of industrial development radiation and training of staff for environmental awareness.
Identification of operational risks and management of risks to a level that ensures the integrity of the operation and the safety of people. Investigate all accidents that are identified during the audit and inspection of workplaces.


Quality Assurance


Ultimate Transit understands the importance of providing quality, safe and clean services to our client is the vital part of being a successful building services provider. Therefore, since our company was established, and it is always striving to achieve its goals to reach the level required to gain customer satisfaction, we have developed a quality management system based on the requirements and standards of ISO, and we focus on continuing to improve our operations to reach our policy. Eliminating all forms of waste that do not bring value to the customer in order to reach a clean environment. Creating a competitive advantage for the client and the project and providing high quality products and services.
We review this policy on a permanent basis during the periodic meetings of the departments, and there is an integrated training system for employees to know, understand, implement, and continuously improve the quality management system.